Ministry of Sound student discount


Ministry of Sound offer students a various discount.

Discounted student tickets are displayed on the event ticket page. Please ensure you bring a valid student ID. Anyone who does not display a valid student ID will have to pay the standard general admission price.

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About Ministry of Sound

Ministry of Sound, established in 1991, has grown from a world famous nightclub in London to become the world's biggest dance brand. With events, nightclubs, record sales across the world and thousands of people tuning into Ministry of Sound Radio and TV.

Discounted Student Tickets

Discounted student tickets are displayed on the event ticket page. Please ensure you bring a valid student ID. Anyone who does not display a valid student ID will have to pay the standard general admission price.

Discounts similar to Ministry of Sound

Any discounts, offers or voucher codes listed here were correct at time of publishing. Please click here if you believe the information for Ministry of Sound needs updating

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Discount added in Days out & events



Lauren is a deals and discounts expert, and the Digital Marketing Manager at Save the Student. She is passionate about saving money and has appeared on Channel 5 documentaries sharing her money-saving tips. Lauren's work is centred around securing the best exclusive deals for Save the Student and working with great student brands.
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